Dr. Mary Ellen T. Miller is a Registered
Nurse who holds national board
certifi cation in Public Health Nursing. She
has over thirty years’ experience as a nurse
educator, retiring from DeSales University
as an Associate Professor. From 2008 to
2023, she directed an interprofessional
internship for health professions students,
the Lehigh Valley Affi liate of Bridging the
Gaps. Dr. Miller has authored nursing
textbook chapters and articles in peer
reviewed professional journals. She co-authored several federal,
state, and local grant applications to support student initiatives.
She continues to do presentations at national, regional, and local
professional conferences.
Mary Ellen has been married to her best friend, Drew, for over
four decades, and they are enjoying their retirement years in the
mountains of Pennsylvania. She enjoys gardening, golfing, and time with her
fur-baby, family, and friends. Mary Ellen’s proudest accomplishment
is, along with Drew, raising two daughters, Ashley and Amanda, who
are compassionate women and committed to social justice.